When planning to get a Vietnam visa, you might have known that you need some portrait photos to stick in the application forms or somewhere else. But not all people know exactly the strict requirements of photo for Vietnam Visa. This article will help you to deal with this problem.
Do I need to prepare photos for the Vietnam Visa?
Yes. When you send your visa application to the Vietnam Embassy/Consulate in your country, you need at least a photo to stick in the application form.
In case you ask for a Vietnam Visa Online, you need at least 1 portrait photo upload to e-visa application form.
Requirements of photo for Vietnam Visa
The photos to send to the Vietnam Embassy/Consulate and the ones upload to application online might have different regulations.
However, the photo eligible for a e-Visa online must follow these general rules:
- The size of the photos must be 4 x 6 cm (the standard size of photos in Vietnam), or 2 x 2 inch.
- The photos taken within 6 months.
- The photo must show the whole face with a bright background.
- Do not wear hats, head scarfs, except for religious rules.
- Do not wear glasses.
- Do not smile.
These are all the photo requirements to get a Vietnam e-Visa or Visa on arrival.
This is the standard photo you can consult:

Frequently asked questions
Do my children need to have photos similar to adults to apply for a Vietnam Visa?
Yes. Like adults, children must have their own photos to get a Vietnam Visa. Nevertheless, it might be difficult to take the photos for newborns and kids. We have some suggestions for you as belows:
- The first norm is in the children’s photos, make sure to avoid any other people.
- It must not have any toys, objects in their photos.
- Put a white background behind kids when you put them lying on the bed or sitting on the sofa.
- Try to capture the whole face with the kid’s opening eyes.
What if I did not prepare the photos for a Vietnam visa when I had to get the visa stamp at the airport?
In case you forgot or did not prepare the photos before departing to Vietnam, you can take the photos at the Photo counter right at the airport. The fee is about 2 USD.